Day: October 6, 2018

Solow, Isbell & Palladino vs Stadium Pizza

Winless SIP faced off against Stadium Pizza on a humid, misty evening at Penn Park for the day’s second game. A tense first half finished with SIP up 1-0 after Jim Reggiani caught Stadium keeper Said leaning the wrong way on a shot from the 18. Midway through the second half the always dangerous Stadium captain Roberto Giantomassi equalized with a precision strike low to the far corner. But after only a minute SIP had retaken the lead through a well-worked team goal finished by right wing Ben Stover on a cross from captain Justin Meltzer. A few minutes later Ben was on the finishing end of another Meltzer pass, and with only a couple of minutes left in the game Jimmy Reg bagged his second with a nice strike from distance. 4-1 to the Immigrants. Thanks to Mike and Chin for reffing.

New Wave Cafe vs Brauhaus Schmitz

Beautiful night at Penn.

That was about it. Passes? Some. Shots? Few? Crossbars? Yes, by New Wave. Goals? None. Physios on call? Lots.

Yawn. Apologize to anyone who was expecting a high octane scoring fest. Mourinho may not have been sacked by United but his spirit lived on in the midfield and defensive struggle with few scoring opportunities.

Dalton and Ben, thanks for reffing that nonsense.

0-0….should have played horseshoes for the win.